
Meet Mark Staddon-Gover, Customer Service Team Manager

Meet Mark Staddon-Gover, Customer Service Team Manager

“I love being with people and helping them achieve their best.”


Mark Staddon-Gover, customer service team manager at our Bournemouth office, tells us about his role at LV=.

Since joining LV= in 2006 as a customer service representative Mark has worked in a number of roles, including customer complaints and business support. In his current role, Mark manages some of our customer service representatives.

What does your day-to-day role look like?

No two days are the same which for me is a positive. I’ll ensure my teams, who are the first point of call for our customers and members, are all ready and set up for the day. I’ll also meet with my team manager colleagues to share any relevant information which might affect each other that day. Then I’ll spend time with my teams and monitor some of the phone lines. I enjoy working with my colleagues chatting through their aspirations and helping them with what they’d like to achieve.  

What advice would you give someone looking to do a job like yours?

Be prepared to not be prepared. You can plan carefully which really helps, but at the drop of a hat things can change and you can be doing something you never planned for. Our environment is fast paced and unpredictable but that’s part of the reason why I enjoy it.

What have you enjoyed most in your role so far?

I love being with people and helping them achieve their best.

What other role within LV= could you see yourself doing?

Before I was a team manager I worked as a personal assistant for around six years which I really enjoyed,  so I could see myself in a role like that.

For a work meeting, what’s your drink of choice?

Everyone knows I’m an avid Starbucks lover so would probably be an oat milk latte with caramel syrup.

Outside work, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy going to the gym and I’ll soon restart teaching dance classes which I used to do before the pandemic hit.

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