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Q&A with Chloe Young - Data Engineer

How did you come to be a Data Engineer at LV=?

I joined in September 2019, having previously had a grad job as a Dev Ops Engineer. There was a lot of crossover between the two jobs, but still a lot of new stuff to learn. I’d also never worked in the insurance industry before so that was a learning curve too!

Where do you work?

I’m based in Bristol as part of the LV= GI partnership with the University of Bristol. When I joined there were only three people, but now there are 14. Most of them joined in 2020, including several new grads and interns. Having worked hard to get myself up to speed on all things data and insurance, I've now been helping out training up all the new members of our team.

Why did you choose LV= GI over other organisations?

I was looking for a move into Data Engineering as a way to branch out, and it was important to me to move to an organisation that was doing data science well. In my initial phone call with LV= it was very apparent that their focus on this area was genuine. They go beyond basic analytics into building machine learning models for specific challenges and put those models into practice. Constantly evaluating up and coming tech, making sure the team are always using best practices to ensure we get the best result for the customer.

What impact is data science having on LV= GI?

One of the main areas we’ve focussed on is claims, which is about how we use data science to streamline the entire process for both our employees and the customers. Our aim is to give customers who call up a seamless, problem-free experience, providing a solution as quickly as we can. It’s less stressful for both the call handler and the customer, and it saves everybody time too.

What kind of challenges do you deal with?

It’s a real mix – often it’s about different departments identifying a problem and asking if Data Science can help to solve it. Other times it’s our team proactively innovating to support the future of the business. It’s very much a joint enterprise, but it’s also very exciting. Making the experience better for the customer is at the heart of everything we do – that’s something that’s drilled into you from the very beginning.

Find out more about working in Data Science at LV= GI or email DSResourcing@lv.co.uk if you have any questions.

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